Alberta Children’s Hospital | 100 Years of Caring

The Alberta Children's Hospital is 100 years old! Donors like you make the partnership between the ACHF and Donate a Car Canada a generous match. Just wait 'til you see how your gifts are adding up!

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Donate My Car for Cancer

Donate my car for cancer

"Is it worth it to donate my car for cancer?" Car, truck, van, SUV, and motorcycle donors across Canada say, "Yes!"

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Donate My Car in Manitoba

Donors wonder, "How do I donate my car in Manitoba?" It's as easy as 1-2-3!

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Caring for Canada’s Kids | A response to Uvalde, Texas


Uvalde. Are you feeling as speechless and heartbroken as I? Are you making any sense of it for yourself? We are not powerless. Here is one way of being with numbing tragedy that hits close even when it happens far away.

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McHappy Day

McHappy Day 2022 brings the smiles on May 11th! You won't believe the impact of your donation dollars!

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Alzheimer’s Disease

Charity choice. We give where our hearts live. Alzheimer's Disease is one of our donors' heart-works. Seeing high sale outcomes on donated cars, trucks, vans, SUVs, and motorcycles is a hope-full relief!

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Mental Health in Canada

Mental health issues directly and indirectly affect all Canadians. Your car, van, SUV, truck, or motorcycle donation will help!

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How do I Donate a Car in BC?

How do I donate a car in BC? It's as easy as 1-2-3 -- and your gift can go to any charity in the province!

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Donate a Car in Alberta

Can I donate a car in Alberta? Yes! It's easy, friendly, and quick. You can choose any Canadian charity you love! Check out our easy 1-2-3 steps to donate...

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Paralympics | Caring at home

The Beijing 2022 Paralympics are coming right up! We can support differently abled Canadians creatively. Here's how...

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