'Round out the calendar with a last flurry of year end giving! The charity you support needs your gift, and come tax time, you'll reap the benefit!
Continue reading "Year End Giving | Your Chance For One More Tax Receipt" →Tag: canadahelps
Giving Tuesday | Your Car, Your Charity of Choice!

Tuesday, December 3rd, Giving Tuesday -- Canada's way of coming together to "create a tidal wave of Hope"! Give time, give kindness, give dollars and cents...or give your unwanted, unused four wheels!
Saskatchewan Company Donates Fleet — x2!
What does it take to donate a fleet of company vehicles? One Saskatchewan company can tell you -- they've done it two years running! And that is just the beginning of their neighbourly way of being...
Continue reading "Saskatchewan Company Donates Fleet — x2!" →3 Cars, 2 Charities, 1 Big Inspiration: Heart and Stroke Foundation
Meggie made three generous vehicle donations! Her two charities of choice? The Heart and Stroke Foundation and The Calgary Humane Society. It's all about paying goodness forward.
Continue reading "3 Cars, 2 Charities, 1 Big Inspiration: Heart and Stroke Foundation" →
Caring for Canada’s Kids | A response to Uvalde, Texas

Uvalde. Are you feeling as speechless and heartbroken as I? Are you making any sense of it for yourself? We are not powerless. Here is one way of being with numbing tragedy that hits close even when it happens far away.