Donate a Car to a Children’s Charity | ‘Easy as 1-2-3!

Donate a car to a children's charity

'Unused, unwanted van, truck, car, SUV, or motorcycle? Donate a car to a children's charity you love. It's quick, so simple, and completely free! Which children's charity? ANY kids' charity in Canada!

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Tesla Model X Sparks Huge Donation for Kids’ Hospital


It isn't every day that a Tesla whirrs to our donation-ready attention! To say that we were electrified at the thought is an understatement. This generous donor went from curious to committed in one phone call. And oh, what a difference they have made!

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Alberta Children’s Hospital | 100 Years of Caring

The Alberta Children's Hospital is 100 years old! Donors like you make the partnership between the ACHF and Donate a Car Canada a generous match. Just wait 'til you see how your gifts are adding up!

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McHappy Day

McHappy Day 2022 brings the smiles on May 11th! You won't believe the impact of your donation dollars!

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The Kids are Going to be Okay | United Way

I put the phone down after a beautiful conversation with a friend. A gutting conversation with a friend. We're wondering -- out loud, together -- if things are going to be okay. Will our kids be okay? Will our earth? What about us? Here's some proof that yes! Yes, the kids are going to be okay...

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Children’s Charities

What strange times for our kids to be growing up in! Children's charities creatively and courageously support little ones across Canada. Donate a Car Canada serves these charities by processing your vehicles for donation.

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Strong Family, Strong Community

Building a strong family is a work of time. A creative endeavor. It is a loving and patient, always adapting, beautiful mess. Vehicle donors in Canada help this cause. Where families (whatever shape they may come in) are healthy, the community is too. Read more about how some of Canada's charities take this work to heart.

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