'Ever wonder what your Buick has to do with Beagles...and beasts of all sorts? Donated vehicles help keep wildlife rescues, SPCA's, and humane societies thrumming. Raise a paw (or claw!) if you want to hear what happens when you donate a car for animals!
Continue reading "Beagles to Bears & Beyond | Donate a Car for Animals" →Tag: Wildlife
Wildlife Update: Vic the Vulture (Part Two)

Wild Canada

Car donations for a wild Canada? You bet! You won't believe how many charities you can choose from!
Cars for Canadian Wildlife

Wildlife was the heart cause for Toyota Prius donor, J.L. Preparing to make an international move, he wanted to gift his car to charity. There were a lot of moving parts to this donation. Read on to see how it all came together for the critters!
WWF Canada
Eco-minded charities like the WWF are receiving car donations annually. Ghost gear, polar bears, turtles, and sustainable ways for you and I to help? World Wildlife Fund has it all!
Continue reading "WWF Canada" →Hope for Wildlife: Raise the Roof
Would you like your donated vehicle to benefit a unique wildlife refuge? Hope for Wildlife Society is a consistently extending their compassionate reach to our country's vulnerable creatures. Join them in their Raise the Roof campaign to replace their big red barn!