Canada’s Pride

Celebrate this year's Pride by donating to the cause you love!

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1950’s Auto | Back to a Simpler Time

1950's Auto DonationAutomated, auto-correct, automobile, automatic. In a world where auto is where it’s at, sometimes it’s nice to just take a step back. Back into a simpler, slower time.   Mr. Fisher’s ‘56 Dodge C3B invites us to switch to auto-pilot for a few moments. Enjoy the ride! Continue reading "1950’s Auto | Back to a Simpler Time" →

Parkinson Disease| Did you know?

Parkinson Disease charities are diligently serving, supporting, and researching. Your gifts help! Continue reading "Parkinson Disease| Did you know?" →

Autism Awareness

Autism awareness is the heart work of so many vehicle donors! Our donors have richly personal reasons for selecting a receiving charity. Health-related organizations hit the top of the list. The choice may be all about the care of the planet, or of animals. Moreover, charities are picked for sentimental reasons.

The owners of a recycle-ready 2007 Dodge Caravan chose Autism Calgary Association for heartfelt reasons.

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International Women’s Day | Invest in Her

This International Women's Day, invest in women; inspire inclusion! 'Not sure where to start? Read on...

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Coldest Night of the Year | CNOY and Your Charity of Choice

Mark your calendar for the Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY)! Join Canadians on "...a winterrific family-friendly walk to raise money for local charities serving people experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness." 

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Porsche Cayenne Donation for Humanitarian Relief

Donating as Porsche Cayenne really is as easy as 1-2-3 for donor and charity alike. Tackling the unique challenges of underground tows, cross-border sales, and special donation parameters? Well, leave that to us!

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