Effective Altruism in Canada

A Merry Christmas! call out to savvy donors everywhere. Have you heard of "effective altruism," yet? It's a movement coming out of the UK. It is a generous invitation to give thoughtfully, efficiently, mindfully. A joyful challenge at this giving time of year. Continue reading "Effective Altruism in Canada" →

One Family | Multi-Model Gifts

"WOW, HENRY!!! Thank you for entrusting us with a 5th vehicle through our program! We are so very appreciative of your generosity!" ~ Carolyne, DAC Donor Support ~ Since 2012, Mr. Stiksma and his family have been quietly popping up in our new donation notifications. One vehicle after another, they have given gifts to charities that they love! They are sharing the vehicles that have served them well. Continue reading "One Family | Multi-Model Gifts" →

A Different Kind of Marching Orders – The Salvation Army

Looking for inspiration and a hearty reminder that there is goodness in the world? The Salvation ArmySalvation Army have been serving with practical compassion for 133 years! They have hope to share and the vehicle donors that care about the work of the SA are as diverse as the programs the organization has to offer. Continue reading "A Different Kind of Marching Orders – The Salvation Army" →

One Boy, One Bowflex, One Winning Battle

BowflexWhat does Bowflex have to do with Shane? Just four years ago, Shane was a typical rough’n’tumble boy. In school, he was good in math but even better in gym class. He was strong and agile with energy to burn. Shane was in excellent physical condition. He effortlessly played a variety of sports, particularly flag football. Like most kids, he didn’t appreciate what his body was capable of, until leukemia took it all away. Continue reading "One Boy, One Bowflex, One Winning Battle" →

Toronto Fans Paint TiCat Car “Double Blue”


Fans of the Toronto Argos and the Hamilton Ti Cats might have something to say about that! They put their friendly rivalry to good work in a recent Labour Day Rematch fund raising event. With a tailgate party to remember, one Ti Cat fan said farewell to one of his great loves. Moreover, an Argos charity made great gains. Continue reading "Toronto Fans Paint TiCat Car “Double Blue”" →

Sandy’s Lumina Benefits Her Humane Society

Lumina“I tried to take her to a scrap metal/ auto parts, but no one wanted her.” Sandy’s Chevy Lumina is a rusty, but beloved, collection of adventures and memories. We were privileged to jump on in for the minivan’s final ride. We're setting the Victoria Humane Society up for a gift at the same time! Continue reading "Sandy’s Lumina Benefits Her Humane Society" →

’97 Dodge Ram Not Quite Scrap

Pick N Pull The Dodge Ram was a member of the family. A trip to the local scrap yard just wasn’t an option when it came time to having the truck taken off the road. Yacht rails on the truck were our first clue that the donated ‘97 Dodge had stories to tell! Continue reading "’97 Dodge Ram Not Quite Scrap" →

Giving Dignity | The Alzheimer Society

Alzheimer SocietyThe Alzheimer Society is putting hearts, minds, and hands to an inspired role. The help those diagnosed with dementia and Alzheimer’s, as well as the people who love and care for them. We are excited to share that thousands of your donor dollars are being directed to their work. Continue reading "Giving Dignity | The Alzheimer Society" →

BTO is Takin’ Care of Business!

By Shandra Carlson

Takin’ Care of Business (every day)/ Takin’ Care of Business (every way).

Just like BTO, that’s what we do at Donate A Car Canada too! When donors advise, “My Wheels Won’t Turn,” we are happy to help! We facilitate the donation process, transforming their vehicle into dollars for their charities of choice. Continue reading "BTO is Takin’ Care of Business!" →

Bruce House | A Big Gift in a Smart Package

Layered compassion. We see it everyday here! Donors care Bruce Houseabout their environment, their communities, their families, their world. It is an everyday privilege to encounter donors that, in their efforts to support one cause, are equally excited about reaching toward another, and Heather’s compassionate involvement in reaching out to an HIV support community is closely matched by her eco sensitivity. Continue reading "Bruce House | A Big Gift in a Smart Package" →