Hope + Me is all about mood disorders awareness. Here's how you can engage -- for yourself, for your loved ones, and for your community!
Continue reading "Mood Disorders Awareness | Donate a Vehicle" →Tag: Mental Health
Bell Let’s Talk Day

Bell Let's Talk Day inspires nurture, engagement, action!
Mental Health in Canada

Mental health issues directly and indirectly affect all Canadians. Your car, van, SUV, truck, or motorcycle donation will help!
Back to School
Our kids are heading back to school! Some have been away from the classroom for over a year. Other children and teachers have been hanging out in strangely-altered spaces. Masks. No masks. Distanced...and not. How are you and your kiddos doing as you head into a new school year?
Continue reading "Back to School" →Peace in a Pandemic

Finding peace in a disrupted time is tough. For many of our receiving charities, that's they're work-a-day gig. They companion people in disrupted life circumstances.
What is peace, anyway?
The word peace may mean something different to you than it does to me. For some, peace is a feeling of calm, or the absence of conflict. Some people experience peace as the lack of any emotion at all. Others feel at peace when they have a sense of control in their lives.
I've come to identify peace as a quiet heart. Sometimes that means a feeling of spaciousness in my mind, heart, or even body. Another way of describing that is the ability to take a deep, deep breath -- a feeling of relaxation and permission even when circumstances are very difficult.
That seems to be an important thing about peace? It is a sense of rightness, quiet, or well-being even when things all around are wobbling. Maybe even downright awful.

Can I find calm...even now?
What has the COVID-19 Pandemic been like for you? Are you having difficult finding peace in the midst of global fear? There are resources near you that can give you a little back-up if that's what you need. Seek them out. Your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health are worth the effort.
You may be someone who has had a gentle experience of this unprecedented upheaval. If so, might you be one who offers peace to others? You may be one of the helpers. If so, thank you! Please take care of your Self while you're reaching out to others. And if you're having moments when a quiet heart is illusive, reach out for your own supports, ok? We need you to keep getting your own cup filled up so that you can continue to share with others.
What DACC is doing to help
Here at Donate a Car Canada we continue to work through this crisis time to aid Canadian charities in their ongoing work. Sometimes cool cash is the best way to bring calm into the midst of a storm. Part of our role in all of this is to keep right on processing vehicle donations. Those donations result in the much-needed dollars our charities depend on to keep purveying goodness in our hurting world. Thank you for considering how you might be a part of that!
Mindfulness | What does your You need right now?

Pink Shirt Day