Canadian car donors are a few things at their very heart: They are kind. Giving generously is second-nature to them. They are peace seekers and peace makers.
Continue reading "Peace on Earth | A Christmas Wish" →Tag: Christmas
Spirit of the Season | When Your Give-a-darn is Rusted
"Spirit of the Season" - what does that mean to you? Is December a welcome month? The lights, pace, giving? Do you love it, or is your give-a-darn worn a little thin? Continue reading "Spirit of the Season | When Your Give-a-darn is Rusted" →
Christmas Goes to the Dogs in 3 Easy Steps!

Beloved Jack Russell Terrier helps make Christmas bright at Oakville & Milton Humane Society. An 83 year-old donor, a '98 Camry, and a pooch are making a Christmas difference for dogs, cats...and guinea pigs!
Christmas Minimalism

Minimalism. Simplicity. Hygge. Conservation. Peace.
Creative Giving This Christmas

Creative giving is one way to share Christmas joy! From snowmobiles to Fords, our donors make it count!
Christmas Traditions
Christmas Traditions on your mind? Stay connected to the ones you love as your family grows, as the
kids leave home, or as you make other life changes. Traditions help keep ties strong. Continue reading "Christmas Traditions" →

Customer Complaints | Keeping Spirits Bright This Christmas
Are you a master of customer complaints? Sometimes customer feedback is spot-on and key to improving service. Sometimes? Well, sometimes we're just taking the stress of the season out on an employee doing their best to keep the holidays running smoothly for all. Continue reading "Customer Complaints | Keeping Spirits Bright This Christmas" →
Feels Like the North Pole – Warm up With a Free Tow!
It’s that time of year when we know the snow and cold will hit most parts of the country, but we’re always in shock and awe when it does! The weather
outside has definitely been frightful in our neck of the woods (Calgary), and it’s been a week of, “Baby it’s COLD outside!” followed by, “I can’t believe this weather, brrrr, we should move south!” Can you relate? Continue reading "Feels Like the North Pole – Warm up With a Free Tow!" →