ALS Society Donations | Beyond the Ice Bucket Challenge

Just two years ago we saw a chilly fundraiser go viral. The Ice Bucket Challenge became a broadly known and fabulously successful means of ramping-up awareness the ALS Society. Originally it was a private call between friends to pick a good cause  and pass along the dare. It quickly became so much more!. Continue reading "ALS Society Donations | Beyond the Ice Bucket Challenge" →

Corporate Giving | A Valentine for Canada

Ask any of our team here at Donate a Car Canada: we have the best job in the country! For some companies, giving takes the shape of beautiful volunteerism and hearty donations. Invaluable! "Corporate giving," for us, is giving of self and time and heart. Continue reading "Corporate Giving | A Valentine for Canada" →

Thank You | Gratitude for $1.5 Million Charity Dollars in 2015

We're bursting with "Thank you!" as we share the news that we've had our best donation year ever. With over 700 charities receiving through our program, we shared over one million dollars in gifts in 2015! Here are just a few of the things we want to thank you for as we close the books on the past year: Thank you for letting us help you clear your driveway of that quirky rust bucket. And for the privilege of sorting out a sale on that Beauty that is definitely not ready for the scrap heap. We love those auction-ready cars! Thanks for reminding the tow agent that he'll need to wear high boots to wade through all of the mud the ol' Ford has been sitting in for the past few years. Thank you for re-homing all of the squirrels that were living in your recycle-ready car. Continue reading "Thank You | Gratitude for $1.5 Million Charity Dollars in 2015" →

Big Change | Small Change | It All Adds Up

As we point our hearts and minds toward a hopeful new year, we do it in the happy knowledge that we are all in this together. Big vehicle, or small vehicle, your sacrifice matters. Huge charity, or  growing charity, your gift helps. Big change re-sale dollars, standard scrap return, every dollar added makes a difference! Continue reading "Big Change | Small Change | It All Adds Up" →

Effective Altruism in Canada

A Merry Christmas! call out to savvy donors everywhere. Have you heard of "effective altruism," yet? It's a movement coming out of the UK. It is a generous invitation to give thoughtfully, efficiently, mindfully. A joyful challenge at this giving time of year. Continue reading "Effective Altruism in Canada" →

One Family | Multi-Model Gifts

"WOW, HENRY!!! Thank you for entrusting us with a 5th vehicle through our program! We are so very appreciative of your generosity!" ~ Carolyne, DAC Donor Support ~ Since 2012, Mr. Stiksma and his family have been quietly popping up in our new donation notifications. One vehicle after another, they have given gifts to charities that they love! They are sharing the vehicles that have served them well. Continue reading "One Family | Multi-Model Gifts" →

A Different Kind of Marching Orders – The Salvation Army

Looking for inspiration and a hearty reminder that there is goodness in the world? The Salvation ArmySalvation Army have been serving with practical compassion for 133 years! They have hope to share and the vehicle donors that care about the work of the SA are as diverse as the programs the organization has to offer. Continue reading "A Different Kind of Marching Orders – The Salvation Army" →

One Boy, One Bowflex, One Winning Battle

BowflexWhat does Bowflex have to do with Shane? Just four years ago, Shane was a typical rough’n’tumble boy. In school, he was good in math but even better in gym class. He was strong and agile with energy to burn. Shane was in excellent physical condition. He effortlessly played a variety of sports, particularly flag football. Like most kids, he didn’t appreciate what his body was capable of, until leukemia took it all away. Continue reading "One Boy, One Bowflex, One Winning Battle" →