A loaf of bread, a packet of spaghetti, and a flat of canned soup. How much does it cost to feed a family these days? Food insecurity is on the rise. You'll be amazed on the impact one donated Ford Mustang can have on filling hungry bellies!
Continue reading "Donated Ford Fills the Shelves" →Tag: Ford
ALS Society Gifts Rolling In

’66 T-Bird Clicks are Ticking Upward!
There's a lot of buzz about this donated '66 Ford T-Bird! We've rolled the Thunderbird out on Market Place prior to auction day (October 14, 2023) and she's getting a lot of pre-sale attention.
Continue reading "’66 T-Bird Clicks are Ticking Upward!" →Ford Focus

Ford Focus donors? We've had a few! Learn how your Focus can impact the Canadian charity of your choosing.
Firsty the Ford Taurus

'Ford Taurus donor gives from the heart. Learn more about her cause and the car she loves!