Movember | Donate a Car Canada Charities for the Cause

Movember has arrived, and the men you care about are experimenting with various new looks to support the cause. Several of our receiving charities are linked to the movement as partners, too.  Continue reading "Movember | Donate a Car Canada Charities for the Cause" →

Are Winter Tires For You?

Winter Tires Is it important to buy winter tires? We Albertans get a little spoiled each Winter: even our worst winter seasons come with Chinook winds. We often enjoy long stretches of relatively mild temperatures. As a result, my family has never bothered to swap out our all-seasons for winter tires. Continue reading "Are Winter Tires For You?" →

Tony’s Story | A Legacy Gift for Big Brothers, Big Sisters

Maria. How this devoted mother’s sweetness of spirit reflects the legacy of her  son! Maria came to Donate a Car Canada in the midst of processing profound  grief. She came in a time when sorting through a few personal belongings takes fierce courage and willful determination.  Continue reading "Tony’s Story | A Legacy Gift for Big Brothers, Big Sisters" →

Canadian Diabetes

Canadian Diabetes"I'd like to remain anonymous, if I could?" Our Canadian Diabetes Association and AARCS donor, Connor, voiced a preference often repeated by our vehicle donors. Donate a Car Canada has changed his name to honor his request. His kindness and good humor come through nonetheless.  He has submitted 3 vehicles for donation since he first discovered our program in 2012! Continue reading "Canadian Diabetes" →

Egale Canada Human Rights Trust – LGBTQ Equality and Diversity

LGBTQ Human rights. Equality. Diversity. Justice. Donate a Car Canada is receiving vehicle donations on behalf of Egale Canada Human Rights Trust as they compassionately serve, and advocate for, Canada's LGBTQ citizens. As clarity and understanding grow around issues of gender and sexual identity, Canadian families are reaching out for professional, community, and governmental support. Many of our receiving charities indirectly respond to the growing demand for counselling, family support, crisis care, and quality of life enhancement. Continue reading "Egale Canada Human Rights Trust – LGBTQ Equality and Diversity" →