Impounded vehicle? Donate it!

The cost and frustration of an impounded vehicle -- it's a lot to take! Is there anything redeemable about the reclamation process? We think there just might be!

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Parkinson Disease| Did you know?

Parkinson Disease charities are diligently serving, supporting, and researching. Your gifts help! Continue reading "Parkinson Disease| Did you know?" →

Autism Awareness

Autism awareness is the heart work of so many vehicle donors! Our donors have richly personal reasons for selecting a receiving charity. Health-related organizations hit the top of the list. The choice may be all about the care of the planet, or of animals. Moreover, charities are picked for sentimental reasons.

The owners of a recycle-ready 2007 Dodge Caravan chose Autism Calgary Association for heartfelt reasons.

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Spring Cleaning | From Closet to Carport

Have you got the bug already? That not-so-quiet chittering in the back of your mind that's rallying the cry to clean out the cupboards, dust out the corners, and organize the garage? Spring cleaning is top of mind as we settle in with our first Spring snow storm in Alberta. Continue reading "Spring Cleaning | From Closet to Carport" →

International Women’s Day | Invest in Her

This International Women's Day, invest in women; inspire inclusion! 'Not sure where to start? Read on...

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Donated Ford Fills the Shelves

A loaf of bread, a packet of spaghetti, and a flat of canned soup. How much does it cost to feed a family these days? Food insecurity is on the rise. You'll be amazed on the impact one donated Ford Mustang can have on filling hungry bellies!

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World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day combines experience, voice, and hope for a better future in honouring Cancer patients and the people who love them.

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