It’s time for the Betty White Challenge 2024! Betty captured our hearts and our imaginations for a lifetime. Canadians continue her caring ways by giving!
Revisit our archive celebration of the great Betty…
Betty White’s legacy
One life’s Goodness is pretty tricky to measure. Who we are, unseen and in secret, is complex and sweet. Some of us shine so brightly on the tiny stage of an “ordinary” life. Others have a reach that inspires ten people…or ten thousand…or ten million.
What Betty White would wish to be truly known for will be the stuff of wondering for awhile. Her sparkle and sass are invitation to hope and irreverent joy. We’ll have the happy luck of being influenced by her just as long as we can click a “Watch Now” button on this viewing platform, or that.
We are so excited to share in her vibrant Generosity for a wee while longer! We’re here to come alongside you as you participate in the Betty White Challenge. How? By making it so-very-easy to donate your unused or unwanted vehicle on behalf of the animal cause of your choice! Watch our socials all week long to get a glimpse at the dozens of charities you can aid in honor of Betty.
Serving animal charities for over a decade
Canadians love (love!) their local shelters, humane societies, and SPCAs. We process hundreds of vehicle donations for cats, dogs, rabbits, and birds every year, all year long. In fact, our role in getting your vehicle donation dollars to charity has been a wonderful learning experience for us.
Who knew there were works like the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada and Little OinkBank Pig Sanctuary to give to? Or, have you heard of Yamnuska Wolfdog Sanctuary? Did you know there’s a charity dedicated to Beagles in Newfoundland & Labrador? Beagle Paws is Canada’s largest Beagle Rescue organization. They have chapters in Alberta, Newfoundland, and on Vancouver Island.
The Toronto Humane Society vehicle donors have given$95,000.00 since THS partnered with us.
In 2021, forty-one (41!) car, truck, SUV, van, and motorcycle donors have selected the Winnipeg Humane Society for their gifts.
The BC SPCA and Regina Humane Society have received over $173,000.00 and $17,000.00 respectively from Canadian vehicle donations!
Betty may not have seen this coming?
Betty White may not have envisioned a legacy of car donations in her honor! How delighted we are that her laughing, joyful reach might extend to helping homeless, aging, vulnerable critters in this way.
Your animal care cause will be helped by your unused or unwanted car. We’ll turn your truck, SUV, van, or motorcycle into cash for those critters, too!
Your local shelter does not pay for this service in any way. Your tow will be free, and you’ll receive a tax receipt to claim next year. The donation form usually takes less than 10 minutes. You can do that online, or give us a call (1-877-250-4904). We’re here to serve.