Did you know you can donate a car, truck, van, SUV, or motorcycle to help build and maintain the Trans Canada Trail? It's as easy as 1-2-3!
Continue reading "Charity Spotlight! Donate a Vehicle for Trans Canada Trail" →Month: October 2023
“Can I get $11,500?” | What happens at a car auction?
This weekend's charity car auction was a great ride! Curious about what happens at a car auction? Listen to one Alberta auctioneer give it his all to raise funds for charity!
Continue reading "“Can I get $11,500?” | What happens at a car auction?" →UPDATE! Charity Car Auction | Dealership Donates Classics for Charity of Choice

IT'S SALE DAY! Watch it live here starting at 11:00 am MST:
You don't want to miss this! Donate a Car Canada is working alongside a YYC car dealer to raise BIG donation dollars! 'Charity car auction for wildfire relief coming soon...
A Little Love for This ’89 Jaguar?
Saturday, October 14, 2023 is a day to mark on your calendar! Come on out to our charity car auction and meet four donated classics. This 1989 Jaguar XJ12 is in the mix...
Continue reading "A Little Love for This ’89 Jaguar?" →1968 Suzuki Cobra T500
It's coming up on that time of year: are you ready to take one last motorcycle ride before the snow flies? Join us for the charity auction of this donated Suzuki Cobra T500 on October 14, 2023!
Continue reading "1968 Suzuki Cobra T500" →’66 T-Bird Clicks are Ticking Upward!
There's a lot of buzz about this donated '66 Ford T-Bird! We've rolled the Thunderbird out on Market Place prior to auction day (October 14, 2023) and she's getting a lot of pre-sale attention.
Continue reading "’66 T-Bird Clicks are Ticking Upward!" →Charity Auction |’72 Chevrolet Cheyenne
It's auction day this weekend! Follow along to see how this beautiful Chevrolet Cheyenne pulls its weight for charity!
Continue reading "Charity Auction |’72 Chevrolet Cheyenne" →