What is the best charity to donate a car to? |1,000+ Inspiring Answers

Giving time, money, and resources? It's a big decision. When we consider donating a vehicle, you might wonder, What is the best charity to donate a car to?

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Seniors Serving; Serving Seniors

June is Seniors Month! A significant percentage of Canada's car donors are 65+ and their charities of choice span our entire list. Just as they help out with the causes they care about, we (and many Canadian charities) aim to serve them in return.

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Canada on Fire | Wildfires and How You Can Help

Wildfires are taking a dramatic toll in Canada this year. The cost in human suffering and displacement is high. Domestic animals and Canadian wildlife are affected. And the cost to infrastructure and agriculture impacts us all.

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Donate a Scooter | Any Canadian charity

"Can I donate a scooter?" The answer here at Donate a Car Canada is, "Yes!" Well...maybe? Probably! Each donated scooter has a story of its own. Let's see if yours is a good fit for a charitable donation...

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