Absolutely, yes! Car donations help food banks with thousands of donation dollars each year! One foodbank gives some feedback what this is like for their charity...
Continue reading "Do Car Donations Help Food Banks?" →Tag: Calgary Food Bank
Calgary Food Bank

Calgary Food Bank will receive a gift from a family that, at one time, needed their critical service. Here's how one vehicle donation can make a big difference...
Canadian Car Donations
Canadian car donations help charities, donors, and the environment. With just a handful of reputable programs across the country, vehicle donors have a simple choice. If choice of charity, a timely free tow, and seeing a monetary gift for your organization are your priorities, we will serve you with excellence!
Continue reading "Canadian Car Donations" →Food Bank |Cash or Cauliflower?
Another 'Mercedes donor helps local food bank with a $2,000.00 donation! That's two BMW donors raising thousands of donation dollars in just a few months.
How do cash donations compare to food donations at your local 'bank? Is one method of giving more efficient than the other?
Continue reading "Food Bank |Cash or Cauliflower?" →BMW Donor Feeds the ‘Bank
One of our BMW donors has made an enormous impact on behalf of their local food bank service!
The vision of your local food bank is to see a Canada where no one goes hungry. They work to relieve and prevent hunger every day, from coast to coast, and they will capably stretch every donation dollar that they receive!
Continue reading "BMW Donor Feeds the ‘Bank" →