The Gift of Intention

noun: intention; plural noun: intentions
  1. a thing intended; an aim or plan.
    "she was full of good intentions"
      • the action or fact of intending.
        "intention is just one of the factors that will be considered"
    • a person's designs, esp. a man's, in respect to marriage.
      plural noun: someone's intentions; plural noun: one's intentions
      "if his intentions aren't honorable, I never want to see him again"
  2. Medicine
    the healing process of a wound.
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Keeping it Green in the Recycling Industry

RecyclingDonate a Car Canada is working hard to connect with ‘green’ recyclers in the Canadian auto recycling industry.

It is becoming more and more prevalent to ensure vehicles are disposed of properly. There is a lot of controversy around carbon footprints. What is left behind when a vehicle is no longer drivable? Moreover, what about the carbon footprint left behind in the manufacturing of our cars and trucks? Continue reading "Keeping it Green in the Recycling Industry" →