Heart Month | More Than Just a Valentine for Charity

It’s Heart Month! Raise the pulse of your beloved charity with a Valentine they’ll remember!

Valentine, Gal-entine…love it or leave it, this month is all about heart

This is it! The month when you have every permission you ever needed to offer a “valentine” to the people, places, and causes you love. We get it. So much commercialism! Fakery. Pink-ness!

Buying in to chocolates, flowers, and bling may just not be your thing.

But love? You know you’re all about the love!

And Heart Month is a great time to turn fluff and bother into the gift that will keep your charity’s heart beating strong.

Heart Month

February is about more than just heart-shaped cards and sweets.

Heart Month is an opportunity to attend to our health, and the health of the ones we love. Particularly, heart health. If this is a cause close to you, visit the Heart & Stroke Foundation to learn more about how to get involved in your province!

A valentine for any Canadian charity you love

Moreover, charity of choice turns vehicle donation for any charity into heart work. You can donate your car, van, truck, SUV, or motorcycle to any registered Canadian charity. Really! ANY one of them.

So, who do you love? Is your heartbeat for vulnerable kids or people in need? If you or a loved one has experienced illness, your care may be focused on a diabetes, cancer, or heart disease charity. Social justice, global concerns, clean water, or food and housing security: Canada has a charity for that.

You might be all about toe beans and floppy ears: there are thousands of charities for you that need your TLC! Wildlife and the environment? Canada has a charity for that, too.

‘Need a little help making a decision? Visit CanadaHelps. You can also just pop over to our Charities page to see who is actively on our own receiving list!

Will you be our valentine?

Do you have an unused, or unwanted vehicle you’re ready to turn into a valentine for charity? This may be the easiest gift you give all season!

The process?

Simple (It takes less than 10 minutes to fill in the donation form).

Free (You’ll get a call from the towing agent pronto — they’ll set up free pick up timing that works for you).

Quick (Then, it’s just a matter of time until your charity receives the net proceeds and you have your tax receipt).

Are you a charity just waiting on a few valentines to come your way?

We can help! You are just a few steps away from getting set up with our vehicle donation program! We will take care of every detail in your donors’ car donation experience. CanadaHelps has you covered in getting tax receipts right into the hands of your donors, too. There is no cost to you for this service!

From our hearts to yours, donors and charities alike: Happy Valentine’s Day! May you be met by community, compassion, and connection through out the year ahead.

About the Author

Sandra McDonald

Sandra McDonald has not set their biography yet