1950’s Auto | Back to a Simpler Time

1950's Auto DonationAutomated, auto-correct, automobile, automatic. In a world where auto is where it’s at, sometimes it’s nice to just take a step back. Back into a simpler, slower time.  

Mr. Fisher’s ‘56 Dodge C3B invites us to switch to auto-pilot for a few moments. Enjoy the ride!

 ’50’s auto a reflection of an era

The C3B stands up to the test of time. It represents a shift in the car culture of its time. “Freedom, status, and the owner’s personality” were all reflected in post-war changes to the auto industry back then. Gender roles, economics, and priorities were undergoing a transformation and the future promised to be bright.

Old time auto makes present day difference

Today we’re recalling one donor’s beautiful Dodge truck. It was put up for sale at auction on behalf of charity.

With thousands of dollars being sent on to Mr. Fisher’s charity of choice, the 1950's Auto DonationSarnia and District Humane Society, we think his eye-catching auto has represented her era well! A feisty representation of a pivotal time in history has gone on to make a generous impact today.

Donated trucks like the C3B that are run through auction are sold as-is to the highest bidder. We are not able to put minimums or reserves on those sales. They go to the buyer willing to offer the most on sale day. This is where Jett Auto Auction’s expertise serves charities beautifully. Buyers offer, and pay, what vehicles are worth. This means hearty gifts for heart works!

Your unwanted wheels make change

If you ever find an unwanted or unused vehicle in the driveway, consider donating it!

You may even find yourself managing an estate at some point. Vehicles are often part of that process. The recycling or re-selling of those cars, trucks, SUVs, vans, and motorcycles via donation can make that estate processing step so much easier for the executor/trix, and for the family. This can also extend the legacy of the estate that you are serving. Honoring your loved one by ensuring a charity they would have loved can help bring meaning in difficult circumstances.

Your gift may not bump the decimal places quite as dramatically as a collector car, but every donation counts. Your human kindness links with that of the donor before you — and the donor that will come after you, too!

We’re a donation form or a phone call away!

Wherever your old wheels take you, here’s to happy memories and time to enjoy the beauty as you go.
pick n pull

Dodge C3B photos courtesy of donor.

About the Author

Sandra McDonald

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