Hope + Me is all about mood disorders awareness. Here’s how you can engage — for yourself, for your loved ones, and for your community!
Mood disorders awareness | More than buzz words
‘Looking to participate in a caring community? The Mood Disorders Association of Ontario is one such place!
They offer free support programs to people across Ontario who are living with depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder. They have programs for family and loved ones of those living with mental health struggles, too!
MDAO’s Vision
Individuals and families affected by mood disorders recover and heal.
Their Mission
Recovery Supports and Programs: To support recovery and healing for individuals affected by mood disorders and their families by providing innovative, high quality supports and programs.
Entry and Navigation: To be responsive to the needs of individuals affected by mood disorders and their families by facilitating their entry to recovery and helping them to navigate to the services and supports they need.
Knowledge: To contribute to knowledge of the effectiveness of recovery supports and programs through evaluation.
Awareness and Outreach: To engage the community to increase awareness about mood disorders and reduce stigma and to communicate about the supports and programs that we offer.
Be part of the vision!
Did you know you can donate your vehicle for mood disorders awareness? In fact, you can give to any charity in Canada!
The process is simple, quick, and free. Free for you. And free for charities like the Mood Disorders Association of Ontario!
Click below to jump into your online donation form. This will take just a few minutes of your time. Or, call in to 1-877-250-4904! We are happy to assist in getting you set up with your free tow and tax receipt.
You are also invited to contact and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter! From there, you’ll be able to keep up to date on our program as well as see posts that showcase our amazing donors and charities across the country!