A Different Kind of Marching Orders – The Salvation Army

Looking for inspiration and a hearty reminder that there is goodness in the world? The Salvation ArmySalvation Army have been serving with practical compassion for 133 years! They have hope to share and the vehicle donors that care about the work of the SA are as diverse as the programs the organization has to offer. Continue reading "A Different Kind of Marching Orders – The Salvation Army" →

One Boy, One Bowflex, One Winning Battle

BowflexWhat does Bowflex have to do with Shane? Just four years ago, Shane was a typical rough’n’tumble boy. In school, he was good in math but even better in gym class. He was strong and agile with energy to burn. Shane was in excellent physical condition. He effortlessly played a variety of sports, particularly flag football. Like most kids, he didn’t appreciate what his body was capable of, until leukemia took it all away. Continue reading "One Boy, One Bowflex, One Winning Battle" →

1950’s Auto | Back to a Simpler Time

1950's Auto DonationAutomated, auto-correct, automobile, automatic. In a world where auto is where it’s at, sometimes it’s nice to just take a step back. Back into a simpler, slower time.   Mr. Fisher’s ‘56 Dodge C3B invites us to switch to auto-pilot for a few moments. Enjoy the ride! Continue reading "1950’s Auto | Back to a Simpler Time" →