10 Things To Do on Family Day

‘Looking for giving events and adventures near you this Family Day? Read on!

Things to do on Family Day

Or, on Heritage Day, Louis Riel Day, Nova Scotia Heritage Day, and Islander Day (depending where you live in this great country of ours!)

Wherever you live in Canada, and whichever province you call home, a stat holiday in the heart of winter can only be a good thing! Are you and the humans you like best looking for things to do this Family Day?

Around here, it’s all about the giving. However your own province acknowledges the significance of Monday’s stat, a little lovingkindness can only make the day better!

So, gather your best humans around you and let’s get to imagining unique ways to spend the day!

Getting Informed

First things first: take a good look around. Who are the charities serving in your community? What do they need? Think big and broadly! You’ll be amazed to know that there are (no exaggeration) thousands (1,000’s!) of charities in our country. When looking for things to do on Family Day, consider doing a deep dive into donkey sanctuaries! Explore organizations offering full tummies, a sturdy roof, or furniture to make a home. Find out who needs what and how much of it. The kinds of helping on offer are limitless!

Noticing what jives

It won’t take long for you to get a sense of what gets your heart pumpin’ — where you feel a wish for justice or a natural inclination to just step up and help. Or, it may be a wish to create or cook or just show up. What feels right in this exploration of helping organizations? Follow that feelin’!

Assessing your resources

Once you have a sense of what makes you come alive, take stock. Are you a person whose greatest resource is time? Finances? Belongings you no longer need? Are you an artist, a digital communications pro, or a musician? Is administrative genius your thing? What do you have to give that you would love to share? Could that be something that gets added to the top of the “Things to do on Family Day” list?

Making a plan

Next step? Put your sense of direction and your understanding of your own capacity to help to work for you! When setting plans and goals for next steps, keep it simple. Sustainable. Maybe you wish to do a one-time Give — you just want to go big and make a one-time impact! Or, perhaps you’re more of a marathon giver and you’d like to build your giving practice into something that keeps on giving for a time.

One way to do this? Visit CanadaHelps to learn how to create a fundraiser. In fact, you can visit almost any charity website and explore their “Ways to Give” tab.

Spreading the word

At the top of the list of things to do on Family Day, we might put…well…family! Whether you are fondly connected to your actual relatives, or you’ve lovingly built your Found Family, let them know about your plans to make giving your focus. Share your excitement and your ideas. Invite them to get involved, too! Nothing builds community like serving and helping together.

Doing so much good

Then, get at it! Do your thing. Be Lovingkindness and generosity in this wide, wonderful country.

Tidying up

Part of all of that Goodness is being mindful of the spaces and places you’re in. If your particular expression of giving involves events, items, or actual stuff, be sure to respect the facilities and humans you’re interacting with. Giving items? Be sure they’re quality (That is, if you wouldn’t give it to someone you like a lot, maybe don’t give it at all? Folks in need don’t want our junk!). Using a community space for an event? Leave no trace. Better yet, leave it in better shape than when you arrived!

Celebrating the win

When it’s all said and done, gather your crew around and enjoy the moment! Revel in what it is like to do Good together.

Setting your sights on this time next year

And then start planning for this time next year! What would you change about your giving efforts? Are there things that went hummingly that you know you want to do again? Keep planning, and keep giving!

About the Author

Sandra McDonald

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