Spring maintenance as a topic for a vehicle donation site should probably be about vehicle clean-up? But there’s something about the season that invites a check-in on other dusty corners.
Digging in the dirt
You know that February feeling: your whole body and brain start wishing for (aching for?) sun, for warmth. You just want to get outside. I start sticking my fingers in the back garden dirt somewhere around the beginning of March. Is the ground thawed yet? Is it now? How about now?
We start watching for signs that the world around is shifting from winter freeze to blossom and greenery and light. And then that day comes. The earth has warmed enough that winter’s deadfall can be raked from the yard. The gardens are ready for a little loosening of soil. It’s too soon to plant, but not to soon to prepare.
Beyond the backyard
There’s a bit of the mystical in the turning of this season. Tackling some home and vehicle maintenance projects. Working the earth. Cleaning out corners. It’s not a leap to start thinking about some of life’s deeper questions. We might begin to see things more clearly — in brighter colors. Even the things we typically keep tucked away internally.
This is where we start to think about what we’re really hoping for from life. We think differently about relationships (maybe even feel a little Twitterpated?). We might feel a bit more adventurous and begin to consider travelling further afield. Spring has the potential for wonderment.
Taking time for Spring
This season, just when I’d typically gear up — energized by newness and planting and scrubbing — I’m practicing slowing down. Seeing. Looking closely at the soil and the rocks that I love so much. Acknowledging the miraculous-science of every green sprout. Especially the hardy little peeps that are already braving air above earth. Being grateful for the garage that needs power washing. Making space in cluttered cupboards. And making space in a cluttered mind.
There’s no formula to this. No self-help book. ‘Just a little bit of practicing: what do I see? Right now. In front of me. My son? Maybe the Goodness that he carries so comfortably? I might notice that the swallows did their first fly-by yesterday. They’re just checking to see if we still have rooms for rent this year. We sure do! I could be reminded that we haven’t had sickness in our home for long months, and that when difficulties do come, we have friends close-by. Or I could take a moment for poetry?
New life straight ahead
Here’s to Spring bringing vibrancy and hope into your (no doubt!) busy and sometimes beleaguered days. For what it’s worth, internet stranger, you have permission to take deep, deep breaths. To pause. Come awake to whatever version of beauty you have right in front of you. To engage with that newness. Maybe even enjoy it all?
Enough fluff! I need more practical spring maintenance!
Needing a little less introspection and a little more get at ‘er? If you’re looking to clear the yard or driveway of an unused, unwanted vehicle, we’ve got you sorted! Click below to donate, or call in to 1-877-250-4904. We’ll get you set up with your free tow and you’ll have one less thing to tend to as you enjoy your Springtime!