Donate a Vehicle for Local Library

When we think about charitable giving we often think about children’s charities, or big health issues like cancer or diabetes. Great causes! Did you know you can also donate your car, van, truck, SUV, or motorcycle for your local library?

The heart of community: your local library

The local library played an enormous role in my young life. My mother was a librarian, so my little sister and I spent countless hours nestled into the children’s book section waiting for her to be done her shift. Summer reading programs and ready access to stacks and stacks of Nancy Drew and TinTin were the stuff of endless exploration!

Eventually, my young 14 year-old self got a job at the library, too. I became a page. I’d jump on my rickety ten speed and pedal the three kilometers from home to literary heaven. I’m old enough to remember the old card filing system and the miracle of microfiche. I spent hours happily alphabetizing and shelving books, fully immersed in the dusty-musty wonder of old ink and book binding glue.

Libraries have changed a whole lot since my days trundling around behind a sorting cart. They have adapted and expanded their community offerings with every passing year. If you haven’t visited in awhile, do! You’ll be astounded by the roster of educational and inspiring events offered within those four walls. They are hubs of inclusion and diversity. Beyond books, they have computers and 3D printers. You may even discover that you can take out gardening tools…in the same way that you take out books on loan!

Freedom to read alive and kickin’ at your local library

Enjoying some quiet study space, doing an online job search, or even just getting out of the cold for an hour are just a few of the ever present offerings of the library down the street. These facilities are also bastions of access, information, and the freedom to learn and explore.

During the week of February 23 – March 1st, Canadian libraries are honouring, “Freedom To Read Week”. The mission? “Freedom to Read Week is an annual event that encourages Canadians to think about and reaffirm their commitment to intellectual freedom. As of 2024, Freedom to Read Week entered a new phase led by Library and Archives Canada, the Canadian Urban Libraries Council, and the Ontario Library Association in partnership with the Book and Periodical Council.”

Donate a car for your local library! Donate a car for community!

Library operating budgets are dependent on grants and government funding. You can help keep literacy, learning, and community connection thrumming in your neighbourhood by supporting your local library.

One creative way to give them a financial boost is to donate your unused, unwanted vehicle. Simply fill in an online donation form. Then, wait for a call from your supporting tow agent. That tow, by the way, is free! Your donated vehicle will be re-sold or recycled. Next, watch your in box for your tax receipt. There is no cost to your library of choice, and you will receive a tax receipt.

We have several libraries already on our list of receiving charities. ‘Don’t see your local book heaven on our list? You will be able to name them as your charity of choice on your donation form. Or, if you do not have a vehicle to give but want your library to know about this option, just send them to our site. Direct them to the “Fundraising” button and they’ll be set up to receive car donations in no time!

Looking for a place to donate? Here are the libraries on our current receiving list:

Blackfalds Public Library 
Calgary Public Library Foundation
Cochrane Public Library
Edmonton Public Library
Olds Municipal Library
Richmond Hill Public Library      

We are excited to work alongside you and your library of choice!

About the Author

Sandra McDonald

Sandra McDonald has not set their biography yet