Humanitarian aid came riding in on fourteen wheels early this Fall! Have you been following our blog? Then you know that Canadian Red Cross donation dollars add up quickly, and a vehicle donation through Donate a Car Canada is just one way to help global relief efforts. You may also have had a taste of how exciting the auction process can be when a donated vehicle is up for bids!
Those dealership classics really shone for the CRC
A humanitarian relief extravaganza — in pictures!
Have you been keeping an eye on our classic car donations this fall? Trundle through the blog! See how the story of one dealership and their wish to support the Canadian Red Cross wildfire appeal came together! One dealership, four classic beauties, an auction house, and Donate a Car Canada. All for one caring cause!
Check out some three of the donation outcomes:

And, drum roll, please!

At home and beyond
Canadians affected by this year’s wildfires will be directly aided through this inspiring endeavor!
And there’s more…
This at-home approachability is just one aspect of the CRC’s long reach. Every day, in the news, sometimes on our own streets, we see unique and crisis-driven need that affected citizens are not necessarily equipped to handle alone. Relief and aid organizations like the Canadian Red Cross provide everything from international disaster relief following natural disasters to at-hand support right within our safe Canadian borders.
Those engaged in International Operations with the CRC may find themselves offering physical relief through food and fresh water, or emotional and psychological support after a personal devastation. Their “Finding Family-Restoring Family” efforts reunite families torn apart by emergency circumstance. Their human rights advocacy touches lives impacted by violence and bullying.
Giving to the Canadian Red Cross
Strong backs and sturdy boots can contribute uniquely to their efforts, but a primary need is always the generous nickels, dimes, and dollars generated by charitable giving. Donate a Car Canada is receiving scrap and junk vehicle donations on behalf of the CRC ongoing.
Follow the lead of the Jack Carter Group of dealerships in donating vehicles for humanitarian relief!
Donated cars, submitted by concerned Canadians from one end of the country to the other, results in thousands of dollars being forwarded to the charity’s important work each year.
It’s simple, quick, and free! Reach out today. Just click, or call (1-877-250-4904) to help. Your car; your charity of choice!